Oprah’s Master Class: The Podcast

by Oprah

Hear the greatest life lessons of some of the most respected and renowned actors, musicians, public figures and athletes. Handpicked by Oprah, these luminaries reveal their lives with candor and insight — in their own words. Listen as Jay -Z, Justin Timberlake, Ellen Degeneres, Shaquille O’Neal, Reba McEntire, Dwayne Johnson and Jane Fonda, (just to name a few), share what they’ve learned about life and their own insights into their personal stories.

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Recent Reviews
  • Mr. Ever-learning
    First time on Podcast
    I shall return frequently or daily. Thank you…information is a map to thinking or at least finding your current location of what one has already learned.
  • Iris Minot
    Amazing Podcast! Love ❤️ it 🥰💕
    Can’t stop listening, so captivating! 💙💛🧡💚❤️
  • zpic
    Started by picking out people I liked and admired But them discover they all are great Actually nice to her them without Oprah I love her but still love their stories Wish ads were gone She’s wearily enough to do these for free Ads are so annoying ...
  • 222boss
    Great podcast Very informative!
  • roma real 🗣
    More about you than others
    Masters are without ego ,they don’t need to be constantly validated or talk about themselves so much they just ARE. To a master you need no self promotion or strokes from other great minds to confirm your importance. Be real and not so insecure about what matters. Today so much talk and so little influence of change come from so called master minds. The world is falling fast and people need to grow up and not only care about their accomplishments,fame and MONEY.
  • Love amour
    Great podcast
  • jennk519
    True light!
    Oprah, you deliver authentic, informational and inspirational content. You are a true light in the darkness for us all! Love your shows!!
  • Kt238
    Missing Things
    Fantastic podcast however, whoever puts it together misses things. With Barbara Walters and Robin Roberts- they literally cut out what someone said to them and we only hear the reaction. Very cut and paste and sometimes it doesn’t make sense. Also, commercials are VERY loud. Fix these things and it’d be worth 5 stars
  • MeKJH
    No warning
    The podcast is Phenomenal however, when it goes to commercial there’s no warning and the commercial volume goes up and sends me 2 meters out of my car seat.Some of the podcast maybe the older ones over would introduce the commercial break and there would be no volume change or at least a warning that the commercial was coming I can’t say anything bad about the podcast I am OK with the adrenaline rush I get one that cotton Pickin commercial comes on.
  • Didi the Gypsy
    Inspiring and Thought Provoking
    Great episodes so far, with excellent life stories and lessons!
  • Opinion 921
    Great Podcast, turn down the commercial volume
    I love this podcast. I did not have an interest in most of the people on the podcast but I love their stories. My only grip is that the commercial about halfway through the podcast is so much louder than the interview itself. When using headphones it causes me to jump because there is such a difference in audio level. Other than that I would recommend this podcast to everyone.
  • StNick21
    Worth Every Moment .
    Don’t take these lessons lightly . If you want to survive in this world , then don’t take these lessons lightly . Don’t apologize for doing what’s right . Worth every moment . Don’t forget .
  • Triple choclate concrete
    Stop sending negative comments
  • deetheguy
    I love the content appreciate all the different individuals sharing there journeys and showing young entrepreneurs and success makers anything is possible and never give up
  • Cairns57
    Don’t know
    I have no interest in any of these people listed for the master class I really could care less what they have to say I wish they had more interesting people that were in the master class.All your master class segments are excellent I’m just so sorry I can enjoy them.
  • Churchl8t
    What a great message. I always knew she was a very smart lady. It is nice to here her tell the story of 9/11.
  • deletepopcat
    I have always loved Condoleezza Rice...
  • Gurusy
    So much fun to listen to these icons tell their life stories without an interviewer. Great pacing, great idea. ❤️
  • Okekema
    Beyond Excited!!
    I’ve loved the Master Classes for a long time and to have them available as podcasts is very exciting!!
  • 🤔🥳
    Absolutely love it!! Listen to it every night and it’s great!! 110% recommend.
  • scootgeorge
    Condoleezza Rice
    Love her Master Class. I want her to be our Commander In Chief!
  • JonGaltpilot
    Make longer
    Great people, but do a deeper dive. Longer interviews please.
  • Colleen@maggiescabin
    Thank you Oprah!
    I feel so lucky to have all your wonderful and interviews especially your 2 part series on yourself. Ok...loved the one with Gail as well. ❤️❤️❤️ I wish you all the best. You are truly making a difference and I thank you.
  • 08DFM
    Insightful, Makes you think and reflect
    Greatness, I have walked away from each Master Class knowing I invested my time wisely. Each host reflects on life experiences, good and bad. What a great resource this has become for me. Thank you for making the time and sharing the insights of true Masters!
  • slattra
    Denounce Phil McGraw
    Spiritual growing is destroyed be arrogance and self appointed “doctors” pumping up their ego while spewing messages for profits that literally will lead to physical and spiritual destruction of others. He is not an intelligent person is is an self centered hater that hides behind a smile. When you reach that place where you must choose compassion and giving or selfishness and self centeredness choose wisely as you move a step toward grace or a leap into disgrace. Mr. McGraw made his choose freely and now his path has been altered by his own making.
  • in_just
    Unbelievably Good.
    When I listen to a podcast I want to gain knowledge or insight that is often missing in my life. However with the rise of "internet gurus" who write a book or have a podcast on subjects they know nothing about it's become scarce to find true experts. Oprah takes out the work through this Master Class series and ensures that you're always listening to conversations with experts on their field. Highly recommended for anyone interested in expanding their knowledge and perspective.
  • BLeeNJ
    Bring Masterclass back to OWN
    I watched most of these on OWN. I come back to listen while I try to go to sleep because I can’t bear to listen to the current horrifying news after hearing it all day. These give me comfort. Do more!!!
  • candicelynn88
    Time Capsule
    Listening to each of these episodes makes me so excited that these moments are recorded for the rest of time. The podcasts serve as time capsules for those fortunate enough to have been featured before their passing. Keep wondering if Kobe was on the list. What a joy that would have been for his family and for all who mourn his passing. You, Oprah, are a master.
  • jk384016
    Get some Asians - we need to see ourselves in others too
    Has anyone else noticed there are ZERO Asians represented? I didn’t check on other backgrounds but I find this to be consistent with Oprah. I love her, she’s my church, but please Oprah, I’m desperate to hear of some Asians who’ve gone past cultural programming and societal barriers to be where they are. I need to see others who look like me doing unconventional things to believe that more is possible.
  • Dezaparezca
    The episode with Maya Angelou has been life changing for me. I have listened to it multiple times and shared it with friends and family. Oprah’s own personal story has also been especially inspiring to me and has helped me to look for God’s hand in my life and start to realize my own purpose and journey. I love the mantra of “Your Life is a Class” and am grateful that this podcast is helping me discover that!
  • almelpatcanal
    Oprah Winfrey with Billy Bob Thornton
    I listened to this and immediately forwarded it to my adult daughters, my husband, and other people I love. I wanted them to experience it and be brightened and calmed by it as I was. In my opinion, another masterpiece with Billy Bob Thornton involved. Insightful, from the heart and endearing.
  • gina_0509
    Puts me to sleep
    When you don’t hear the interviewer and just the guest talking it sounds like a person reading from a book. Oprah, learn from “How I built this” podcast. That’s how it should be done.
  • pachamamá
    Not trustworthy
    Why is Oprah promoting poison as pharmaceutical drugs? Until this stops, I don’t trust a word she says. Seriously compromised integrity here. Listen to The Vaccine Conversation.
  • -d---
    surely you should be able to find masters outside of hollywood
    Almost all of these people are actors and singers. Can’t we find more inspiring masters? Perhaps you could talk with thinkers, authors, astronauts, doctors, business people? Add more diversity to your line up Becoming a famous actor is a very specific type of master. And there are a lot more noble pursuits
  • kikkadee
    Being able to hear how these amazing celebrities we adore deal with normal life struggles and how they overcome those struggles is truly inspirational. I love to hear about the drive and the dedication they put into their craft. Thank you Oprah!
  • Georgi@:Martin
    Just do it
    Hey if your wondering just listen. This is a great podcast
  • Tex6405
    Come back!
    May 2019 was the last episode. Will this podcast be back in 2020?
  • The Organic Goddess
    Listening to Oprah
    Simply amazing!! I give thanks for her wisdom and humility. Listening to powerful women like this re-energizes the soul. Thank you Oprah!!!
  • NJsEpiphany
    Wrong review
    Someone please take my phone cause I wrote the wrong review on the wrong page. That’s why my butt should be working lol
  • Marytg66
    Please keep this going.
    I love this podcast. Kevin Hart was soooo funny I had to pull my car over and laugh! I appreciate that the guest are telling their stories and not being interviewed.
  • Just let me write a review!
    Still podcasting?
    I haven’t seen a new episode since May? I miss them! When will a new episode be available?
  • 122song
    Great interviews I learn something new all the time.
  • 10 of Clubs
    Dearest Oprah
    When I heard you were not allowed in the house and had to sleep out on the porch, I could not help but to cry. I too grew up as an unwanted child and I know exactly how you must have felt. It is unthinkably painful. You though say that you made an amend with your mother by having your own unwanted non connected child, I believe the pain was real and affected your life tremendously. I chose not to have children because I was afraid I will be like my mom and create another human being who would have to go through the same terrible pain I had to go through. I don’t regret it til this day for the choice I made. I have long ago forgiven my mother but I have not forgotten what she has done to me physically, mentally and emotionally. It took me a long time to rediscover my true self. There was not enough time or energy to raise a child when I myself was not even truly born yet. Now I am a fully grown up woman but too late for having children and help other people’s children and doing my best to bring the beauty to the world as an artist. I thank you for your opening up to larger public. I now feel stronger. That is what teachers do to make student more confident and assured. You are a true teacher.
  • LessCouchOn
    Dear Oprah,
    People can be broken down into two categories. Rah rah Oprah people or rah rah Ellen people. I’ll take you every single time Oprah. After being attacked at 96’s Lilith Fair by a group of women who despised men I’ve never been the same. It was very scary 🕯...say hi to Stedman form me and if you’re ever looking for a younger replacement I’d be happy to oblige. Always wanted to be a kept man. Lastly, you get sexier the older you get ☝️👋 🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯 -Les Couchon- 💄🐷🍒👠
  • MamaHuber
    The simplicity of these episodes is so lovely. At first I thought it was strange that they didn’t follow a normal Q
  • hdzMiriam
    Maya Angelou Episode made me cry
    Maya Angelou Episode made me cry.
    Dont buy it
    Very hard to hear her say that ‘nobody wants to go to war’. There were nothing but war hawks in her era in Washington DC.
  • Jeffrey Lee Wells
    Dr Rice
    She is so incredibly impressive and a broad thinking and caring American.
  • momof4tryingtoyellless
    Meaningful and powerful
    I love the life stories shared by so many different people. It’s like listening to your grandma, or someone special, sharing for encouragement. I enjoy these and hope for more!
  • Souljoi
    I love hearing directly from the guest. No interruptions and hearing them tell their stories is wonderful. Thank you. This forum just works really well.
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