Matter of Opinion

All Genres #202News #28

Thoughts, aloud. Hosted by Michelle Cottle, Ross Douthat, Carlos Lozada and Lydia Polgreen. Every Friday, from New York Times Opinion.Listen to this podcast in New York Times Audio, our new iOS app for news subscribers. Download now at

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  • just another ww
    Sept 13, 2024
    To Ross, President Biden is unpopular because of his age and not his policies.
  • Hackleboro
    Ross and David
    I enjoyed this discussion, however, ‘prolife’ has more meaning than simply abortion. How about prenatal access to healthcare, new mother’s access to healthcare and support, family support through the childhood years, access to safe schools? And I could go on. Compassion for moms and dads and their vulnerable children is’prolife’. You can’t tell me that Trump will provide more support for those folks than Harris will attempt to do. I’m disappointed that you both didn’t bring these issues up. Thanks, Melanie Stephens, CA.
  • Artemia26
    Ross Douthat is a dangerous equivocator.
    He consistently does everything he can to try to establish moral equivalence between Trump and MAGA-ism and progressives. He is very good at it. But there is no comparison between the real dangers that another Trump administration poses and the fanciful dangers of a Douthat consistently spouts of a Harris administration. That makes Douthat’s equivocation dangerous. I wish his fellow podcasters would do more to call out his nonsense.
  • Enid71
    Sept 6 debate on abortion
    You both missed the biggest point: do you just want a law, or do you want abortions to decrease, because they have dramatically increased since Dobbs. Women’s lives are at risk if miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy occurs because the laws are vague and doctors are scared to do anything!! Why do you ignore this issue?? In the name of goodness, do your homework!! Check out Guttmacher: “Abortion rates are highest in more than a decade”!!
  • sal vito
    Trump apologist Douthat
    Listening to Douthat’s ongoing, unending equivocation of Trump’s manifest ignorance and unfitness is beyond tiresome. However, French’s presence rates 2 stars.
  • Alexander Dodge Huber
    Ross is as WEIRD as JD Vance
    As a liberal, I appreciate hearing conservative counterpoints (something I am rarely exposed to in my left wing echo chamber) but Ross is downright creepy - especially the disturbing brand of pronatalism he spews EVERY episode. Unfortunately, he seems to have recently decided that he is going to lead/dominate this podcast when what the show actually needs is for him to take a step back and stop his condescending mansplaining.
  • Cmenges
    The Tone Has Changed
    I have loved this podcast for exposing me to different opinions and allowing me to be able to have better conversations with people. Lately it has felt like something has changed. First, Ross has become insufferable, like he’s not even trying to have conversations with the other hosts, but is just sometimes allowing them to speak so that he can be condescending and dismissive. Second, I had been looking forward to hearing the coverage of the DNC, which I thought was an historic event, full of hope, real promise, and (yeah I’m gonna say it) joy. I’m not sure what these hosts saw or if no one could stand up to Ross, but that show was so cynical and negative, I wondered if maybe this was now a Fox News X NYT crossover show. Third, regarding how the tone has literally changed, the Upspeak has got to stop. Everyone is doing it now, and it is grating to the ears. Please stop ending every sentence fragment at a higher pitch. Three stars because the show used to be great, two off because you have to see something has changed and needs work.
  • Slimeball_wr1d
    Love this podcast
    I think that this podcast is great. Every Friday I am excited when I wake up for a new episode. All the haters can yap all they want, but I’ll keep loving this show
  • JSMorano
    Lacks insights of other political podcasts
    Go to the New Yorker, The Daily, Ezra Klein for actual substance and insight.
  • Koojinbop
    Not here to criticize the opinions (it’s an opinion podcast, you get what you get), but omg the vibes are OFF. There’s an air of negativity that leaves you feeling as deflated as the kid who smoked too much pot in the 90’s DARE commercial. My brain’s doom and gloom enough as is, and needs to network with more positive brains. Sageing the apartment, taking a multivitamin and sitting in my sun lamp for a bit to shake this feeling off.
  • Tgwdeb61
    More of the same in the genre
    I would like to a hear a Black voice on this podcast. None of them knows the name of VP Harris sorority. It just speaks to the homogeneity of the discussion.
  • MissFantastico
    I have been listening to this podcast since it was The Argument, and I used to really love hearing both sides having a civil discourse. Now it has become decidedly more one-sided and not at all balanced, even with the episode titles, like “will THIS a lose Biden the presidency”. Stop the clickbait and get back to having real, necessary conversations. Adding onto my review from earlier. I will be unsubscribing from this podcast. There are no actual liberal points of view—in covering the conventions, they basically say that Kamala hasn’t given an interview so no matter what she can’t be good, with no one offering any other opinion. Funny that some people are saying that this proves that NYT has a liberal bias—that’s not it at all. This proves to me that NYT is not showing both sides. I’m very sad to lose this podcast, it used to be good.
  • Michelle 1025
    They need to do better than Ross
    It’s hard for me to get through an episode. Ross is so sanctimonious and contrary for the sake of being contrary. They could get a conservative that expresses their view without coming across as condescending all of the time.
  • sydoc
    Complacent convention
    Seriously? The DNC felt like a “complacent convention” as assessed by Ross. I used to enjoy aspects of this podcast but I just can’t anymore. I had to turn it off right then and there. Instead of picking apart the nuances of the DNC, as well as Kamala’s speech, how about you address the simple fact that the choice in 2024 is between DEMOCRACY and AUTHORITARIANISM? The media has learnt nothing in 8 years. STOP continuing to normalize the choice given everything we now know.
  • makeupmyname
    Could someone ask one of the hosts (who will remain nameless) to PLEASE stop asking “right?” over and over? Sometimes several times in a response. It’s a habit I’ve noticed being used in verbal commentary now more and more, and it’s simply annoying. Someone will either agree with what you’re saying or not. Asking “right?” every other sentence would not cause someone to agree with you more.
  • Easy Eaze
    Ross gets too much time to prattle on…
    It’s good to have different opinions and Douthat is definitely representing the “weird” political camp. But he doesn’t need this much airtime (it’s consistently about 1/2 the podcast every time). Also I wish they would actually check him on many of his half baked non-points.
  • TheLizziest
    Ross has become insufferable, I can’t listen anymore.
    You know how hearing Donald Trump’s voice is somehow physically repulsive? That is how I have grown to feel about Ross Douthat. Carlos is the star of this show. I will seek out other ways to listen to him because I think he’s fabulous! I very much appreciate Michelle and Lydia; they are measured, thoughtful, and always give me something new to think about. But at this point I just can’t listen to Ross anymore; he is dismissive, pretentious, full of sh*t, and yet empty at the same time. He adds nothing but gross vibes to the show. I am surprised the other hosts are still putting up with him.
  • Cat5/6/99
    Hosts Can Be a Bit Out of Touch
    I do like listening to this podcasts sometimes, but I often get a bit frustrated at their attitudes. Ross is pretty much always annoying because he criticizes the Democratic constantly while refusing to really reckon with the state of the other major party. Even the other more liberal hosts are a bit much. They just sound like they’ve been in their ivory towers too long and don’t really know what real life is for normal people. Listening to them can kind of feel like listening to a movie critic who feels like they have to be overly negative and nitpick just because they’re a critic. You don’t have to be a cynic about everything to have interesting opinions.
  • Cram_Case
    I’ve never written a podcast review
    But these people are so insufferable, my thumbs became sentient and simply took on a mind of their own. No one reads long reviews so I will say simply: Ross = chode of epic proportions (lol). Listen elsewhere.
  • Convention downer
    DNC convention episode
    I guess everyone was tired, but I thought the tone of “puncturing the balloon” of the energy and optimism of the DNC convention was unfortunate.
  • LilRedheadedGirl7
    Ross - just go away please
    I enjoy this panel a lot. But Ross is an ugly human being. He is incredibly negative and condescending and cynical. He ruins everything.
  • LauraT001
    Ross, try a different tone
    Ross is making this show very hard to listen to. I can’t take his mean spiritedness. I genuinely enjoy hearing from everyone else. It’s not him being conservative, that’s fine, it’s his tone and he seems to taunt the others on purpose.
  • aericagirard
    So Cynical
    Disappointing, and tired commentary about an absolutely inspiring DPC performance which totally changed the game. Never would have guessed it from this podcast. Poor synopsis of the moment, with an over reliance on the horse race, which additionally failed to capture the stakes and the fact that the goals of the campaign were achieved, which were clearly not acknowledged by the biased pundits.
  • Colin bringo
    8/28 DNC Recap
    These three are doing the most in terms of overthinking. Wow. And Ross’ condescending is laughable considering where his party has gone.
  • Madmadie
    For the love of God please get a serious conservative
    There are writers on the right side of the political spectrum that have actual, serious thoughts and opinions about issues the world faces and I would like to hear them. Not Ross’s own weird pet preferences and cynical condescension of his own hosts with actual ideas. It’s actually hilarious to try and listen to Ross paint JD Vance as anything other than his ideological twin. Every complaint or criticism is him trying to grapple with his own personal and ideological limitations and he’s too self-involved to hear himself. Due to his own inability to be of substance, he instead just plays MC and reply guy to hear his own voice and feel involved…. Which, he sadly always is because he’s the only host who isn’t busy with actual journalism. When the show WAS the Argument, there was actual discussion and comparisons of views. Jane Coaston did a better job of representing conservatism as a moderator than Ross ever has as THE conservative of the show. And for what it’s worth.. “Hot/Cold” 💀 The epitome of Gen X cringe. Even the segment title is the work of some Boomer editor who thought to themselves “Dur why don we call it HoTcOLd because hot mean good and cold mean bad” Just…. I don’t know try harder if you were trying in the first place.
  • 2501123
    Great podcast
    Love the show but Ross must go. Conservative perspective, yes but with substance. Stuff a sock in it Ross
  • hdsaoirse
    Ross is insufferable
    I can’t listen anymore. Ross Douthat just keeps getting more and more intolerable.
  • Gus McCrae
    Consistently thoughtful discussion
    Except for Ross. I wish they had a conservative participant who isn’t so sanctimonious and supercilious. Come on bro, you don’t have to be condescending to the rest of the panel.
  • Raincloud06
    Great discussions
    As a liberal I am very grateful for Ross on this pod. He brings up opinions that actually make me think instead of immediately dismissing them, and I love having multiple viewpoints on these topics. We need more conservatives who are willing to sit down and respectfully offer their views.
  • History_JD
    Kids Episode
    How can you have a full discussion about the various factors leading to people not having children without having a single participant being a childless or single person?
  • Alessandra di Lampedusa
    Having Kids
    The internet is a factor but families of all stripes infantilized their children. Delayed independence is now common for kids who aren’t going to college. Continuing to live with mom and dad makes sense for kids who aren’t mature or self sufficient. My boomer friends seem to enjoy socializing with their adult children. I think there may be a selfish aspect to keeping one’s children around for built in companionship.
  • alalrian
    It’s great to hear these opinion people for the Times chat (seemingly) freely on various topics, occasionally saying profound things. Very often they say funny things and sometimes they enter a controversy. Always interesting to listen even on topics which are not, initially, of interest to me.
  • KC_Hollon
    Liberal Bias based off reviews
    I enjoy this podcast as definitely provides differing opinions. I find it interesting that so many reviews dislike Ross and his opinions. Shows that majority of NYT products are left bias. IN MY OPINION, Ross does a great job of trying to provide the view point of the other side even though he is quickly dismissed by the other hosts and obviously the vast majority of these reviews.
  • aj123344
    Love the Show, Ross is Purposely Obnoxious
    I would enjoy this show so much more if it didn’t come across as if Ross intends to be annoying on purpose. His co-stars catch him sounding insane, but then he comes across like he’s just smarter than everyone. I’ve never listened to someone who makes their personality to be “condescending”. More importantly, if this show intends to seriously discuss Black political ANYTHING, they need a guest who is of that community in a meaningful way. It was cringe listening to how disparaging the lens of Kamala has been. To which, capturing that it seems conservatives really are undergirding their rhetoric with racist sentiments. They can’t help it.
  • mustardhair
    Ross is a nut who’s wrong about almost everything
    I wish there was more argument. Points for putting people who disagree together, but it doesn’t accomplish anything to keep everything at a superficial level and gloss over the disagreement. Dig in to the meat of it! Ross is a nut who’s wrong about almost everything, but I don’t dislike him. His focus on birth rates is insane. The population is still growing and the crisis we’re facing is excess consumption and drowning in our own waste. Will lopsided age distributions be inconvenient, especially where labor movement is tightly controlled? Yes. But that is small beer compared to global warming and the sixth great wave of extinctions in the history of life.
  • Abhi-94
    Interesting and sometimes uncomfortable takes
    I generally like the discussions. They are generally balanced on the whole. I do find it difficult to take Ross Douthat seriously. I can’t tell whether he is acting a part or stating his own opinions. In almost every episode he manages to slip in a couple of statements that are quite insidious.
  • Jriz94
    Liberal Bias
    What do you expect from the New York Slimes?
  • DrRobert299
    Hosts are intelligent and thoughtful except…
    This is a generally good show with intelligent people making credible and eloquent arguments. Unfortunately, like many reviewers here, I am finding it harder and harder to listen to Ross Douthat make excuses for Thrump and Vance and spout off about his pronatalist nonsense. It’s getting old. At one time Douthat was a reasonable voice for conservatism. Unfortunately that is no longer the case.
  • alljam8815
    I want to like this show
    I have listened to the show from the beginning and I enjoy the style/format and conversation topics. However, I really am starting to dislike the actual hosts. Ross and Michelle are both obnoxious. Ross increasingly so. I can’t stand the annoying devils advocate just to be a devils advocate approach. It’s just grating. I don’t really enjoy the show anymore.
  • Burd123456
    Sloppy “balance”
    I listened to the episode on Tim Walz which was interesting and engaging until the xenophobic (laughing) zinger in the last few seconds of the show. Will not listen again. Do better.
  • gajcnieioaknchskka
    I’m a democrat and listening for Ross
    I like to listen to what Ross has to say - because with all the noise from people like MTG and Lauren Boebert etc on the Right, I feel like the right has gone off the deep end… and he is a great voice for the Republican Party… That being said, I think he says some chauvinistic and cringey things. And since Kamala became the top of the ticket, it’s gotten even worse. Overall, I like the pod. :)
  • NED8855
    Why is the NYT Two Sides-ing Racism
    The runners of this podcast really need to take a look at what they are doing if they think it is appropriate to have Ross reframe and reassert the racist attacks on the Democratic nominee using less hyperbolic language. Differing opinions are one thing, racism is another. We cannot two sides racism in 2024, it is not a reasonable disagreement issue. Rethink your behavior, issue an apology, find a new contributor. Thank you.
  • Henry__w
    Not particularly a fan of Ross, his politics, or his takes. But the way the other hosts talk down to him and dismiss his contributions I have found genuinely stunning. Condescension is not fun to listen to.
  • Billybill1984
    You know
    Right right right right right you know you know you know you know you know right right right right right you know you know you know you know, right right right?
  • xyzme123
    Done with Ross Douthat
    Ross Douthat is a Trump surrogate who tries to disguise his obvious support. His comments about President Biden’s Oval Office address were disrespectful and, worse, unkind.
  • dondelillo
    Good idea with a fatal flaw
    Two decent and thoughtful commentators and walking argumentative fallacy Ross Douthat. Right?
  • ETLovesGolf
    Pretty lousy
    Obviously the New York Times attempt to both sides everything. It’s incredible to find a group who all thinks they are the smartest people in the world, despite predicting nothing correct ever. And annoying voices. Deleting from my feed.
  • bibliophile68
    Not great
    Speaking as an educated, elitist snob, I have a hard time listening to this. I’ll stick with other Talking Heads for this type of information consumption. Ezra’s show is much more palatable, informative, and entertaining.
    Good idea but…
    This format has real potential, but I agree with many of the reviewers hear that the hosts come off as reeeeally smug and lacking authenticity — its almost cringy. I hope NYT will recycle the idea with a more earnest focus on diverse opinions and civil debate.
  • ChuvkDallas
    Generally very good.
    I enjoy the commentary. And, I often find that it is amusing and witty. I must admit I have difficulty distinguishing between the voices of Michele and Lydia. That is not a problem with the two male speakers. I do wish that Ross could free himself from his Catholic straight jacket. He might find the ability to breathe to be freeing. Otherwise, the subject matters are current and thought-provoking. It is always an interesting time to spend 30 or 40 minutes.
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