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Surprising stories about how the biggest, household name brands affect our lives and culture — for better or worse. Host Charlie Herman finds tales of tragedy, love, strange histories, unintended consequences, and accidental success.

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Recent Reviews
  • JoeMama157
    Please bring this podcast back!
    I love this podcast it is one of my favorites.
  • justbenice1
    (no particular order) Let’s not be kidding - Atlas Obscura - This American life - The Moth - The Bowery Boys - Twenty Thousand Hertz - The Retroist Retro Podcast - Heavyweight - Anthropocene Reviewed and Brought to you by…
  • Conmcgron
    Great podcast! Please don’t go!
    I love your podcast! I’ve seen a lot of reviews about when it was household name, but personally it’s better now. PLEASE MAKE ANOTHER SEASON!!!!!
  • wendy2238
    Come back don’t leave us !
    Seriously, I just binged this podcast and so addicted. You can’t say goodbye. I love love love love this podcast . Why do all good things have to come to an end ? I am so sad
  • dldnh
    An excellent podcast, always very interesting.
  • spideyparker202
    Great little-known stories about brands; bring it back!
    I loved this podcast when it was airing. I learned a lot about brands I thought I knew most everything about already. Please bring this podcast back.
  • Kaybub99
    Probably My Favorite Podcast
    This was one of the first podcasts I’ve listened to, and it’s still one of my favorites if not, my favorite. The stories behind the brands were almost always interestin. Many of the best episodes were the ones which viewed historical events through brands, such as Pan Am in the Vietnem War, Levi Jeans in the fall of the Berlin Wall, and the Pepsi in Soviet Russia. My personal favorite episodes were the Volkswagen episode, which duscussed how Hitler and Porsche created the Beetle, and the Songing California Raisin episode, which explained the creation and fall of the commercial stars. In my opinion, this was one of the best podcasts out there, and I wish it could come back.
  • h,jk,zug
  • retiring mom
    Pan Am in Vietnam
    I never knew! Loved the episode. Thank you women!!!
  • Adeerable
    makes me wish I got an mba
    ETA: Miss this show. This podcast made me realize I should’ve just listen to my parents and majored in Econ and gotten an MBA. They do such a great job of thoroughly researching and telling the stories in such a captivating way. They do a great job of understanding how business operates within a cultural context and explaining the various elements that play behind brands you might assume are boring.
  • JackieSugarlumps
    Sooooooooo bummed this podcast is over
    “Brought To You By” was one of the best podcasts I ever listened to. I laughed at the tale of Tang and the farting astronauts. I cried over the recollections by the Pan Am stewardesses flying lonely and homesick soldiers in and out of Vietnam. I felt inspired by the account of how Jazzercize empowered women business owners. The episode about Botox got me to thinking hard, and examining my own beliefs about beauty standards. I was heartbroken when the series seemed to come to a sudden end- there were endless stories more to tell.
  • Roespinalm
    Please don’t leave
    Please keep this show going. You guys are literally the only reason why I listen to podcasts. Please please don’t stop. But if that is imminent and there is no way to continue then can you tell me any advice on other podcasts that could be almost as good as you guys?
  • AJW - MPLS
    Great podcast
    I wish I had reviewed this earlier because I’ve truly enjoyed this podcast and sad it has ended. I love seeing brands come alive and getting to know the back stories.
  • Cylb
    What a great podcast! Highly recommended! A product veteran
  • Romy3d
    Hello and goodbye 😭
    Just as I found this absolutely fantastic podcast, it’s ending. I’m so seriously bummed. SUCH a great show! I really hope you come back!
  • ElK969696
    Off the record?
    I can’t stand when a podcast holds back good content.
  • Dr. Bledsoe
    Come Back!
    Such an informative and interesting podcast! I wish you wouldn’t be giving up on it!
  • Mattchew Hughes
    More story than you ever thought you needed!
    I have just recently discovered BTYB, thanks to their recent feature on 99 PI. I’d consider myself a brand loyalist and, as a consumer, have long enjoyed the stories and interesting facts behind those that I purchase and businesses I solicit. Not only is the show excellently produced, it also makes you eager for even more detail. I’ve started from the beginning (back when it was called “Household Name”) and am working my way forward. 21 episodes in and I still can’t get enough! Excellent podcast - one of my top 5, for sure.
  • Pa3k Bandaska
    Excellent stories
    Fun and educational. Love it...
  • paperfairy17
    informative and insightful
    I learn something amazing and new every episode, just as advertised. I love it.
  • A wannabe listener
    I really want to hear some of these stories but the presenters, especially the female ones, berate historic persons for acting in ways that wouldn’t pass muster today. I do not care about their personal reactions to actions in the past. Just tell the doggone story and keep you childish and naive personal reactions to yourselves.
  • J A I A
    Best one yet
    The Pam Am /Vietnam episode is a must listen! The stewardesses’ observations of and interactions with the soldiers is a vital part of the history of this war. Thank you for covering this!
  • That One Lady E
    Glad there’s a lot of material to listen to again
    You all will be missed. I’ve appreciated everything you have put out.
  • Taytayloops
    Don’t stop!!
    I just found this podcast and I LOVE it. Now I see there’s a trailer for the “final” season..! Noooooo
  • Matt DaCosta
    So good
    Interesting stories about products we all know. Delivery and style of story telling has me hooked. Not boring or dry like most other podcasts.
  • rosa manzo
    Turns out, I like learning about history of companies and products
    No really, this is a fun and informative listen.
  • newman_SF
    Good, educational, funny and interesting
    What more to want from a podcast. Thank you for giving credit to Dan Bobkov as the pod father! He deserves it! But you doing a good job please let the episode come!
  • Jenny33336373
    Go to Podcast
    This is my go to podcast. It’s so interesting!
  • zstor51
    Very Interesting
    Great content and wonderfully curated story. I learn something new and interesting from each episode. Keep up the great work!
  • Annodiram
    Love it!
    It’s a lovely way to learn about those topics you aren’t typically drawn to in a fun yet informative way.
  • gnarshreddington
    Great Before Name Change
    I binged the first few seasons from when it was called Household Name. It was a great show. Since the name change, I find it very boring and will probably unsubscribe soon.
  • JohnNV51
    I’m sure the folks that lost their jobs appreciated the effort. Are they better off?
  • C2d1
    Product history
    It’s a great history lesson of our everyday life. Ever thought of doing a episode on arm and hammer co.?
  • Darth_Blazed
    Steadily going downhill
    For whatever reason it seems like this podcast has been slowly going downhill since it change from being Household Names. Hopefully they can revert to doing whatever it was that made it so good before
  • Professiona 6430
    Fascinating and well done history of a product that that also reflects women’s struggle for socially independence.
  • SpenceMan01
    Science Deniers
    It had been an interesting listen, but now they deny science so I’ve unsubscribed.
  • GinaW115
    This podcast makes me feel smart!
    I have so much incidental knowledge from listening to this podcast. It never fails to teach me something I didn’t know about the world around me.
  • fcsk8er!
  • rugbybasketball
    So Well Researched
    Love this podcasts and the fun interesting stories they present. Always so well researched!
  • MindlessPortugalRomance
    Low effort
    Their Hidden Valley Ranch episode was ripped nearly word for word from an article about the ranch’s origins. If this is the level of effort they put into all of their episodes, then a plagiarized, lazy podcast isn’t something I want to listen to. I understand there is something to be said for packaging information in an entertaining way, but I cannot support creators that copy other’s words and repackage it as their own research.
  • JHC3
    This is nowhere near as good as Household Name
    I used to look forward to each episode of the last interaction of the podcast, Household Name. I particularly liked the KFC in Japan and the Amazon self-publishing episodes. It was interesting, entertaining, and sometimes humorous. I used to recommend it to people. Unfortunately, I now find the podcast very dull and am going to unsubscribe.
  • Aliciaisawesome!!!
    Great podcast!
    I enjoyed this podcast a little more when it was Household Name, but it’s still worth a listen.
  • andrealynnp
    A found gem
    I accidentally found this podcast and am SO glad I did! I normally listen to murder mystery stuff, but this is so refreshing. I started with jazzercise and am working backwards through all the episodes. Thank you for an awesome product!!
  • RG👍
    Great podcast
    I love this pod keep it up
  • mshabo777
    Nice Break from True Crime
    Most of the podcasts I listen to are true crime which we all know can get a little heavy at times. When I need a break and want to switch it up completely I get really into this podcast. I’ve definitely learned some fun facts and the interesting background of so many brands that I’ve used or at least been familiar with for my whole life.
  • korndogk69
    This show is awesome and inspiring. It helps me realize that I shouldn’t take life for granted. I have become a better person since I started listening to it.
  • tysontrux
    Unsubscribing - Bad Since the Name Change
    This was good before the name change. Now it’s meh and not interesting. It used to be that I couldn’t wait until the next episode. Not anymore, unfortunately.
  • 6blended
    Vicente Fox
    I just listened to you podcast “coca cola president” ... I have information. Can I please have your email?
  • Sarah Gayle
    Love it!
    Fun, interesting well produced podcast. One of my favorites. Love that it’s in-depth enough to learn from but approachable for everyone.
  • Abso1uteLi
    Nostalgic awesomeness
    Fun facts and history of our past. What more can we ask for.
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