Snap Judgment Presents: Spooked


Spooked features true-life supernatural stories, told firsthand by people who can barely believe it happened themselves. Be afraid. Created in the dark of night, by Snap Judgment Studios, in partnership with KQED & PRX. It is hosted by Glynn Washington.Episodes drop every week on Friday! Spooked is available for free on ALL podcast platforms. Featuring brand NEW stories -- along with episodes previously available only by subscription.For Luminary subscribers, previously released episodes are still on Luminary.

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Recent Reviews
  • Zeegha
    The Well: Staff Visit
    I love this podcast especially the host’s introductions and his drama! But, I really liked The Well when the producer visited the storyteller’s home. That was awesome! More like that please…
  • Meinsie
    Glynn's intro's are just as compelling as the featured story - sometimes more so!
  • Fuzzy Mamacita Tatas
    Insane amount of ads
    The show used to be great but is completely unlistenable now. There are many other spooky story podcasts with way less ads.
  • coldkooli
    Real Life “Twilight Zone” . . .
    Such a magical, mystical, insightful show! From incredible intros (sometimes sinister, sometimes silly, always compelling) to the amazing production -- TEN STARS. The host is a krazy kind of wizard who sets the stage for truly stunning narrative journeys. Be afraid, and don't turn out the lights!!
  • CatArmies
    Everything is Ads
    Ads in the beginning, surprise ads in the middle of stories, ads break, ads ads ads.
  • TRexpodcasts
    Too many commercials
    15 minutes into the show and I have heard 8 commercials. Too bad they don’t just play them all at the beginning so the show isn’t interrupted.
  • Glitrslipr
    Commercials now interrupt the stories
    This used to be one of my favorite podcasts, but lately commercials have been inserted in the middle of stories. This disrupts the stories and weakens the listener experience.
  • AngiRose86
    What happened to leaving ads at the beginning and end? I wish ads weren’t in the middle of the story. It jars me out of the story. I get ads are needed and skippable, but it still breaks the allure of the story the guests are providing. It’s like being interrupted while reading a really good book.
  • blackdogonthebeach
    Best storytelling podcast out there
    Love Glenn’s craftsmanship, storytelling, and production of the segments.
  • Casey lee hillman
    Love the stories, not so much the host
    I was really happy to come across the podcast as I love this type of content where real people tell true scary stories. I mean this is the nicest way but I feel the host doesn’t fit well at all. I fast forward through until the stories start. He’s an interesting character and also the music choice is a little odd as well. Between a nice serious spooky story being told, there is odd choice of hip hop esque music?!?! Odd choice. Other than that the show is amazing.
  • Xxxfft
    This show has been nothing but repeats for a LONG time. I’m finally unsubscribing. It’s ridiculous to keep passing off old stories as if they are new releases over and over.
  • Cbb the beast
    Love it!
    I love this podcast! Fresh beats. Cool vibe. It’s different which I definitely needed. I read some of the reviews. Some of you didn’t have a mom that taught you one of the golden rules of kindness: “if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all”. Constructive criticism is one thing but flat out rude? Unnecessary.
  • whdrtvv
    Used to be amazing
    Stories are no longer as intriguing, or they are just repeats. Fast forward through the first 3-10 minutes of each episode to get to actual stories. There are now commercials in the middle of a story, totally pulling you out of the intensity. Listen to the first few seasons then move on. The commercials are still there but stories are good. I’m bummed, this used to be good.
  • User2222zxerpop
    Too many commercials
    Too many commercials
  • UhWhatUrEvil
    Longwinded for short form
    Why the obscenely long into though? Love this podcast but the host needs to chill it out. I just fast forwarded through 11 minutes of a 29 minute episode to get through the ads and intro.
  • johngpotter
    Glynn rules
    One of the absolute best produced (real) scary story podcasts. High production values, great stories, and a charismatic & interesting host in Glynn Washington. Don’t turn out the lights on this one.
  • sdjjdejjxjejzkskciaoq
    Like the stories hate the intro
    Sorry man, but these intros got to go…10 minutes of nonsense you could add a whole other story instead Weird, when I went to go leave a review, the above was already prompted for me. So Apple hates the introduction? I really just don’t understand the beat poetry and then a scary story doesn’t make any sense. I always skip the host. And reading most of these reviews alot of people do too. Please reconsider
  • SamURye726
    This is one of the best
    The reviews that say bad stuff about the host are blowing my mind because his voice and introduction are both superb. I listen to every scary podcast I can. This one is definitely in the top five. Some stories are much scarier than others but they are all pretty interesting.
  • Nope0
    Too many commercials
    With all the ads, your employees better have health insurance.
  • JayLou1208
    Shows great, but
    The premise of this show is awesome and I really enjoy listening to these stories from the people who actually experienced them. Something to note: the host can be clever sometimes, but the way he speaks and the awkward speed at which he says a lot of things really is annoying after awhile of listening. The other thing I’d like to note is that clearly some of these stories are fabricated. The Bigfoot episode talking about the casino where they just “delete footage” really struck me as ridiculous and completely unbelievable. How convenient the footage they base the story on was “deleted.” The other one to note is the verbiage of the woman telling the 3 Sickles One Roomba story. She clearly embellishes a lot of what she describes and it makes it very hard to get into. It’s just so ridiculous to describe the 3 sickle monument as “20 stories” and “being able to see it from miles away” when you can look up the exact statue she’s referring to online and it’s nowhere near the size she claimed. It may seem crazy, but those embellished details are a turn off and make you question the validity of the rest of what is being talked about. Overall, great show. Annoying host and some clearly fabricated stories, but still fun to binge at work if you like scary podcasts.
  • Meghan20234
    Good concept but
    I’ll say I’ll like this podcast. We could do without the weird sort of beat poetry stories in the beginning. Also they are repeating stories a lot lately without notifying the listener in the description
  • K-78
    The best shows and stories
    Wow the stories are so interesting but the host and music need to be tone it down. Especially when the stories are being told. It’s hard to focus on the stories when back ground music are loud. But still its a best podcast spooky story Thank you for all of your hard work so I can enjoy all your amazing stories!
  • JMD2442
    Reruns are infuriating
    I used to love this pod, but the host talks too much and “new” episodes are just reruns of old ones, which is really annoying as a listener waiting for new stories. Just don’t release new ones if you don’t have any.
  • FlamingoBlanket
    make note when you repeat episodes unless you enjoy wasting listeners time
  • Aennjj
    Repeat Stories
    Used to be great, but something happened and now every episode is a repeat. Literally almost every single new episode. Anybody know what’s going on with that and why they’re being labeled as “new” when they’re not?
  • SlowPesci
    Pls label reruns
    The show itself is great! Glynn is great! But releasing episodes that were previously on Luminary (I was subscriber) without labeling them as re-runs truly made me feel crazy. I kept listening to episodes and swore I had heard them before, and then would tell myself that I didn't, and that I must have been mixing them up with other spooky podcasts with similar stories. I was gaslighting myself hardcore before I realized they were all from the Luminary days. Label them pls, I do not deserve this.
  • Cestlaviestephi
    Great first hand stories
    But does the host ever get tired of his own voice, he’s insufferable. Awful awful host wow does he love his own voice. I would pay for an option to cut him out
  • Jarchymah
    The Best.
    The best host. The best production. The best stories. Poetic introductions by Mr. Washington, and the spookiest stories told by the people who experienced the supernatural first hand. Excellent.
  • jljj80
    Am I in a time warp or have I heard all of these new stories before? Are they just being replayed?
  • #1GaleStorm
    My Favorite of All Time
    I love Glen and Spooked. I’m so happy that I can listen year round!
  • artist-who-uses-sketch123
    So good!!!
    ‘Spooked’ is one of my favorite podcasts (and I listen to MANY pods being an animator working from home:)) The production is flawless, the beats keep it flowing, and the stories are told by a (refreshingly) different individual each time. Glynn Washington always opens with an engaging vignette, like a warm-up, and I look forward to what he has to say. Fabulous editing, sound, music. Thank you, ‘Spooked,’ for providing us with a constant stream of magnificent entertainment.
  • aliyacheyanne
    Love the show!
    From the host, to the music, to the stories. All 100%!!!
  • TheWatertree
    Best Host Ever
    These stories are all we need to prove we are not ever alone. Mr. Washington hosts with a mysterious and provocative enthusiasm that is so easy to relate with. Like a true storyteller sitting near a fire lit hearth, after dinner and drinks have been served, all ears open, and ready to be awed, I am a huge fan. The stories are chilling yet clean enough to listen to with kids. Mine are teenagers and early adults now, but with very fond memories of Glynn and his radio family.
  • captaindasani22
    So well done
    They do a great job curating interesting stories! Always a favorite.
  • Joeys Limo
    The Greatest Events to hear.
    This Podcast is the Greatest podcast so far. These life events told by you the listeners are outstanding.
  • J-Rudh
    One of my favorites!
    Love this podcast and LOVE the host! Haters gonna hate but i know whats good.
  • Trogdor
    So so good! Glynn Washington is the goat. absolutely adore this podcast, and the range it offers.
  • Meh9873
    Stories were better a couple years ago
    Still a fan but some of the recent stories just don’t ring as authentic. I am not looking for facts or truths, obviously, but the stories shouldn’t sound so made up. There are lapses in logic and unrealistic situations. Some stories are so short they are barely stories—more like “well that was odd” type incidents.
  • T20T20T20T
    Amazing pod & host!!!
    Truly amazing podcast that has matured over the years but has always been one of my favorites. Glynn is the most amazing storyteller and host, mixing an incredible personal insights and stories. He’s just a perfect fit for a great pod.
  • lavaute
    Great Storytelling
    Glynn Washington knows how to tell a story!
  • JXG.XO
    My favorite podcast for YEARS!
    I’ve been listening for years and I absolutely love this podcast!! The stories are so awesome and scary and I just love that. You hear stories from every walk of life, every journey. Thank you spooked for the YEARS of listening to such an awesome podcast. Please stay consistent with content, you guys are killing it!!! Thank you spooked!!! 🩷
  • Doriwow
    Awesome Show
    Spooked is an amazing show. I love the stories and Glynn Washington is an outstanding host.
  • Frdjngesswghbvgvnnnnkjj
    Glynn Washington is such a phenomenal host.
    First off, I don’t know if you read your reviews, Glynn. But a while back, I wrote a review that was pretty harsh in my opinion, and not constructive at all. I complained about your intros. I want to apologize. I ended up deleting the comment l because it was stupid and rude. Regardless, I just want you to know that your stories are truly incredible and interesting. You’ve always been a phenomenal storyteller and I didn’t think that it could get any better but human managed to prove me wrong. You have literally improved so much in your storytelling and I truly did not think it was possible because like I said, you are already in my opinion, the best in the business! Anyways, I love this show and my day is always a little bit better when listening to your spooky tales! There is literally no show like this one. Storytelling with a beat?! That is literally the most genius idea in the world! Thank you to you and your team for putting out such incredible art! please do not ever stop. I will literally cry if you do!
  • xeriann
    Bite sized bits of spooky
    Bite sized bits of spooky served up on a beautiful international platter. You think you know spooky stuff? Buckle up, buttercup! You just never know what to expect with these stories. A delightful mix of all things unknown and supernatural from a variety of perspectives and cultures. Thoughtful and well mixed episodes. Beautiful ear candy.
  • Ledesigner26
    Can’t get enough!
    Can’t get enough of those beats, those words, and that voice! Keep em coming, Mr. Washington. You are the best!
  • Sammabear
    Spooky stories the best, host stories the worst.
    Most positive is the overall production. BIG SHOUTOUT to the crew and all the music and sound fx!! You guys crush it for easy and engaged listening. It’s great to hear produced stories that really building on the overall effect instead of just a one note kind of deal, there’s nothing like this out there tbh - the full production is really heard and makes the stories that much more effective. It makes for an easy listen and great for drives and traffic. It’s a 5 EXCEPT for the host and his off putting voices (and that is being VERY kind - they’re really offensive) and the constant reruns instead of new material. Some of Glynn’s stories make no sense, most seem made up — and he was always my least favorite part of Snap Judgement too. He could learn a thing from ITAH host who introduces the podcast and gives warning and then let’s the person tell their own story instead of pontificating about events that only happen in imagination (looking at you, Glynn!). And please stop having your friends defend you on here, mate, it’s weird and just pathetic. It’s clear most listeners aren’t a fan, maybe listen to them instead of being defensive. Honestly his stories seem fake and his fake voices are mildly insulting to southerners. Just skip over Glynn and enjoy the show!
  • RhodesyB
    Love, but…
    Love this show and Glynn is an incredible host. His storytelling is so quality, it’s like a bonus when you hear the listener stories afterwards. I consistently look forward to finding a new ep on a Friday morning so, thank you Snap Judgement.
  • angie applesauce
    Don’t listen in the dark.
    Love it
  • Mary Lu hu
    True stories of the supernatural?
    Stories from listeners about experiences with ghosts and the like. True or not entertaining to listen to.
  • pixiegirl1106
    The theme song alone is worth 5 stars
    Amazing stories from an entertaining host. I can’t get enough of the music.
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