
Fiction #52Drama #20

Academy Award® winner Rami Malek stars in this apocalyptic thriller as a small-town radio DJ fighting to protect his family and community after the power grid goes down nationwide, upending modern civilization.Season 2 picks up after Simon’s family escapes. Upon crossing paths with an old family friend, Wren (played by Aja Naomi King), recounts her experience getting out of Boston... but can she be trusted? What truths remain to be uncovered about the origins of this blackout?Produced by QCODE and Endeavor Content. Created by Scott Conroy. Season 1 stars and is executive produced by Rami Malek. Written by Scott Conroy. Directed by Shawn Christensen.Season 2 stars Rami Malek and Aja Naomi King. Written by Jeremy Novick. Directed by Stefanie Abel Horowitz and Jeremy Novick.BLACKOUT is presented by Sonos. Discover sound made easy at

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  • The Trial | S1E6
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Recent Reviews
  • Good Vibes Only 369
    The first episode was amazing! The sound effects are incredible. I’m listening with my headphones and the sounds and bass are amazing! I’m already sucked into this show after the first episode. It’s so intense and reels you in.
  • Roland45
    Voice acting is great.
    I can’t understand people that like this show. Story and dialog are just ridiculous. These are cartoon characters for people to hate. Such nonsense. Stopped at the trial but it was pretty bad before that.
  • Eternalking1
    Amazing story
    I love the story Will there be a season 3?
  • Sludge Judge
    Ignore the “wOkEnEss” reviews, this is great!
    Really cool storyline with relatable characters and an interesting and unique storyline. To all the folks getting offended at the allegedly “leftist” and “woke” elements - it’s really telling. If you’re offended by fascism and oppression being portrayed negatively, this is certainly not the show for you. If you are a decent human being who cares for other human beings and their freedom to live as they wish, this show is a chillingly accurate portrayal of a dystopian alternate future where the democratic way of life is undermined beyond repair and people are left to survive not knowing who to trust….. 5 out of 5 stars.
  • bwdesmo
    Great apocalyptic thriller
    So well acted and produced, great apocalyptic story framed for when it all goes down.
  • hemclaug
    Season 2 flopped
    Loved season 1. I struggled to get thru season 2 and I really tried but in the end couldn’t finish it.
  • Tjacks1976
    Up to Episode 6
    The trial of Hunter was not realistic at all!
  • Fkdlskc
    Wokeness over storytelling.
    The writers let woke left wing messaging get in the way of what could have been an interesting story. But what do you expect these days.
  • Jasny3068
    Suddenly became unrealistic
    I’m on the episode of the trial. I was entertained up to this point but realism and believability just fell off the cliff for me. That trial scene/writing is NOT very realistic. Smh. I’m really not sure if I’m going to listen any more, probably not.
  • Kintsugi68
    As an avid fan of apocalyptic/post apocalyptic fiction, this was a gem!! Great plot, wonderful voice characterizations and (mostly) believable interactions. I never liked audiobooks because I found them slow and the narration annoying …but an immersive podcast? I’m hooked!
  • Binge Worth Post-APOC
    GRIPPING! Binge worthy!
    Great story! LOOOOVE the attention to sound and voices playing characters! This is where old time Tasso stories and Hollywood movies intertwine for an amazing story experience.
    Apple TV worthy show.
    This podcast is worthy of being turned into a live action short series. Things escalated pretty quickly in season 1 but there’s enough to keep you interested in the lore. Sound design, actors and story are all top notch Literally no clue why people would give this show a low score.
  • drjoshua
    Sick to death of the portrayal of white people
    Season one was decent. Season two introduced the classic left-wing ideology of white people bashing: every white person in this story is portrayed as an utter buffoon, while all the minorities are the levelheaded, common sense, rational ones. Sick and tired of this stupid and backward storyline. The writer should be ashamed of himself.
  • Rit2407
    not for me
    I was disinterested mid way through season 1. dragged it to the end but really I don't feel like jumping on season two. will look for something else.
  • Just another dude..
    Season one, Great stuff. Forget season two
    They had something going till a major shift in the show screwed it up
  • Pod junkie NS
    Black out
    Bing worthy Beautifully done . Great sound design , performances, couldn’t put it down
  • Stevenpuzzofootballstar
    Cunning and Fun
    Beautifully written and well presented. And Banger in the accents in New Hampshire.
  • khloem28
    Crashed & burned in season 2
    I absolutely loved season 1 of this podcast. Rami was incredible, & the rest of the cast kept me interested too (despite the awful forced accents). I was so excited to see where it went in season 2, as there were still so many unanswered questions. But then season 2 actually came, and it completely ruined this podcast for me. The acting was insufferable & not believable in the least. And then, to kill off the main character with a branch? Seriously?? Absolutely hated the season, & I can’t even bring myself to finish it. It’s such a shame because this podcast had such potential.
  • Krnprctr
    My favorite podcast
    Impatiently waiting for season 3! When is it dropping?!
  • Rosey182
    Rami Malek RUINED it for me
    Stunning story and so much potential but Rami Malek ruined this story for me that I quit listening to it. He sounded so disinterested from his role and so void of any emotion or storytelling that it tanked the entire experience and story for me. Perhaps he just wasn’t the right fit with his monotone-ish voice for an audio experience with how much drama was created by other characters. Wish there was a re-recording of this story without Malek.
  • Snowowl22
    Fantastic! I was caught within the first 5 minutes. Great story, great writing, great acting. Don’t stop with season two, you need season 3 and more.
  • Chicaiza89
    Story is meh , characters are trash. If you wanna be frustrated the whole time enjoy.
  • JustBiggz
    Cliffhanger Much?
    Okay straight up, I thought this show was gonna be predictable but there were so many twists and turns that my mind was blown every time. I fell in love with it and took my time with listening cuz I knew my time was limited (2 seasons) but man.. I’m really really hoping you guys come back for season 3 & many more.. please #WithThePowerGoThePeople
  • Ambie3090
    Terrible 2nd Season
    The first season was so good! I was hooked, on the edge of my seat, desperately wanting to know what happened next. Good plot, good characters, everything was excellent. Five stars⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ And then the second season 🙄 The writing, acting, everything, was so dull and boring. The characters were cliche, predictable, and really annoying to be blunt. There was such a good balance between plot and character development in the first season. And in the second, it just stopped and was all about this self entitled lady who thinks she knows everything and is shocked when her children behave the exact same way. Bleh 🤮 The whole season could have been done in one, two episodes tops. And her secret she was hiding? Like really? That’s the terrible thing she doesn’t want anyone to know in fear of being judged? Give me a break.
  • FlyersNfillies
    Enjoyed it
    I really liked this show so far. I was a little bummed about some of the events is season 2, and yes as a New Englander its tough to hear some of these attempts at accents, but both seasons were great and Im hoping for a season 3.
  • anbuttsnin87
    Season 1 was pretty good. But season 2…. No bueno. And the actor’s voices sound like they’re trying way too hard. Especially Wren, her son, & her daughter. And whoever plays Lance too, not good acting. Voice acting isn’t for a lot of people. I’ve never seen any show Aja King (Wren) plays in but if her on-screen acting is anything like this, I don’t see how she became an actress. The talent is just low par. There had to have been better actors than some of who they casted. Also, the storyline in season 2 shifted wayyyyy into something else. Season 1 could’ve developed much more into season two instead of what they wrote.
  • DustMePink
    I like it
    I might have to disagree with some of you. Yes I liked the first season and I understand what some of you are saying but I also see what they are doing. These stories are connected in some way. I mean if you watch some apocalypse TV shows they do that too either with episodes or seasons. They change it up like this, but in one way or another things connect. I think the actors in season two are doing a great job. I feel more emotionally invested in this round than I did in the first round. I personally didn’t really care for season one but right now to me I don’t know I like season two much better I think they’ve done a better job this time around and they did the first season. I hope there’s a season three I like the show I think it’s really good I just finished the second season I’m invested great job guys.
  • CourtSim
    Great show!
    I really liked both seasons of this show. I liked that there was a new perspective in season 2, but I was disappointed about the main character. I hope there’s a season 3.
  • RunBing
    Let down
    S1 4/5 S2 was so bad that I will refuse to listen to anything else by the same creators.
  • Gangster bilbo
    Good podcast, horrific accents
    As someone from New England, the awful attempt at New Hampshire accents makes this almost unlistenable
  • Snafu_6
    First Season
    The first season was by far a very fresh, exciting & innovative podcast! I couldn’t get enough!! The second season sadly lost its way…. I was sad to feel this way.
  • JeanFromWash
    Loving this podcast!
    i’m a huge fan of Rami Malek, but even if I wasn’t, I would highly recommend this podcast. It is very good.!
  • customcookiesbykelly
    Season 2 voices are obnoxious
    The voice acting in season 2 is so annoying I can’t even bring myself to listen. Season one is so realistic and I loved it. Season two, especially Emerson’s wife is one of the most obnoxious and over exaggerated characters I’ve ever heard in my life. I cringed so bad I had to stop listening. I miss when it was mostly Rami’s narration. Everyone else is forgettable and annoying
  • Tomcat123345667899752
    It had me interested for awhile. But they had to go and make the characters incredibly stupid and forgetful just so they could keep the story going. Multiple massive points in the story could have very simply been solved by the main characters speaking up. Pathetic.
  • SJ Laughlin
    lol nothing matters.
    First season was ok-ish in comparison to season 2 — was hate listening by the end tbh. still have no idea why the fighter jet fell out of the sky or the pilot had to be killed. random mention of planes falling out of the sky like there was an emp when that clearly wasn’t the case bc phones had no service but worked and cars were working. Bizarre. 2nd season was beyond horrible.
  • willmac02
    Season 1 was awesome!
    Season 1 was a highly engaging story about Simon and his family thrown into a horrifying situation conceived and executed by a diabolical group! Season 2 was a disjointed drama about a bunch of ill developed characters fighting a set of circumstances that did not continue the season 1 story. And oh yeah… they killed the main character with a tree branch… LAME.
  • Liz cal
    Too many ads
    This show may be great but I couldn’t get absorbed in it because of the constant ad interruptions even with a premium subscription
  • Quasipox
    Another Excellent QCODE Show
    Having only recently discoverd QCODE shows, I have to rank Blackout as being up there of the ones I've listened to. Excellent acting, great pacing and intriguing story. Highly recommend.
  • Starsandcorsets
    Why Subscriber Adverts?
    Would give it a deeper listen and billions of stars but too many ads even though I am a paying I missing something?
  • jonnydegooyer
    Really want more of this story fantastic concept could even see the spinoffs of different areas in the country.
  • itsmeNickB.
    Season 2 ruined this show
    I had a hard time rating this show… Season one was fantastic. Great plot and character development at a realistic pace. Rami and the cast were all incredible. I listened to all of season two and it is horrendously written. It all seemed so lazy and completely irrational all times. It was as if every person was suddenly a toddler with no parent to guide them. I kept hoping that the awful characters would be outweighed by a good plot ending. God was I wrong. Also, take a note from legit every other podcast and don’t list off every person that breathed on this and trim commercials at least a little or in better spots. I couldn’t be more disappointed after waiting 3 years for this. The only saving grace is the audio is the impressively immersive and that doesn’t count for much.
  • mamabear1893
    Must listen
    Wow, this is a great listen! I’ve been in full search for weeks and this one was one of the last I found and has me actually hooked. I’m always late but either way it’s fantastic. Instantly subscribed. I love the multiple layers of each character and how much depth there is to the story 🚜
  • KKlean73
    You Lost Me
    I hate all the characters in season 2. There awful and it’s not fun to listen when you just want them all dead.
  • ViolinBookLover18
    So intriguing!
    I was required to listen to a narrative, episodic podcast for an English class. When I stumbled upon this podcast though, I wasn’t sure what to expect, as a fan of sci fi, technology based stories, but I was so pleased! The characters, so far through the first season have been very multilayered, to where it’s difficult for even the reader to be sure of who to trust. Simon has the naive hope of wanting to believe the best of people, and help them through his radio, yet is stuck between being unsure of who to trust in the Blackout. Several other characters are the same, being very realistic in times. Rami and the cast as well as creators do a great job of expressing the emotions and painting the scene around them, using the car sounds, running sounds, etc. It left me on edge and it never felt like the episodes were any more than a few minutes, with how they flew by. Definitely a favorite of mine!
  • Alise r
    Great but…
    Everything about qcode is amazing but to hear It on apple or any other place you get your podcast is just annoying so many commercials. The episodes are usually around 30-45min long but then you have like 4 commercial break that last around 5 min long. It’s hard to enjoy such amazing stories
  • Tacos805
    Good show but getting commercials with QCode+
    Good show and production. My only issue is I did subscribe to QCode+ but getting ads 😢
  • Bnc_photos
    4 star, could have been 5 but season 2 wasn’t as good.
    It was great, until they made some creative decisions that I feel like hurt the show in season 2. With that said I hope there is a season 3.
  • daddy&2daughters
    It is an interesting story with some surprisingly big named actors. However, whoever decided which actor should play which part should really pay attention to actors’ strengths and weaknesses. You have 1 voice actor with a speech impediment. He’s still a good actor and has a lot of experience. My problem is that you put him in a role where his voice is disguised. It was clearly a role that was supposed to be mysterious as though the voice changer would mask the speech impediment. The merits of the story has kept me from just turning it off, but that seems like an amateur move. The actor himself should have pointed it out. That’s not fair; he might not have been given a choice. Anyway, decent story but you should really pay more attention to who you get to play which parts. Peace
  • mjph82
    Wonderful Find
    I had no idea this existed and there is nothing better than listening to Rami Malek’s beautiful voice! The story and concept are a return to the great serials of the Golden Age of Radio.
  • jssjxuduskskskdkkskdllssld
    Wish there was more
    I wish there was more episodes
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